Thursday, January 3, 2008

Daddy & Mommy

I love the rocket ship that Daddy is going to build. And when he is finished we are going to go and wait for night and then we are going to speed up into the air and I am driving because I love my rocket ship. And today we are going to have a great day.

And tomorrow we stay in our rocket ship on the moon. And we are going to turn and not be in our house some more. I love my little house too. My friends can go with me on the rocket ship and we are even going to bring it to my birthday. My birthday is the most wonderful gift. I love it and I really am proud that I have my birthday tomorrow (I'm trying to make this silly). And we go to Earth, right into Trey's house. Trey is my best friend.

Space is a learning section with lots and lots of fun things you can do on all of the planets. There are lots of aliens. Aliens are alive, you know, so you don't have to worry because they aren't on Earth, they are in space. Don't worry, we are here, so you can stay calm. We can have a fun time in space catching stars with you, my friends, this is going to come alive.

Trey and Manolo are going to spend lots of time with me at the park. I love Mama, and myself. :: interject morgan crying in the background::

I love playng with my Dad. I love the movie Chicken Little. And today and tonight is my favorite holiday.

with love from Mason's family.

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